b'Homes & Their Design PlansAre Copyrighted! Make your home building experience a positive oneby sticking with plans you know are legitimate.The homes you tour during the 78th Annual Parade of Homesare a true testament to the vision of Parade builders. What startsout as a design concept develops into a fabulous architecturalplan. From there, a majestic home takes shape. Decisions aremade regarding every component that will go into the home. Whatkind of flooring should be used? What type of lighting? A Paradebuilder must address all the issues you will need to consider when it comes time to build your new home. The biggest difference is a Parade builder must plan on building his or her home to impressthe varying personalities of thousands of visitors. Because there is so much work that Many copyright infringement cases inIf you see a specific feature, like agoes into the design and construction southeastern Wisconsin have resulted sunroom, in a home that you like, you of a home, there are also laws in placein extensive litigation, and significantcould ask the builder you would like to that protect each homes unique design.judgments. The consequences for planwork with if they have something similar Just as there has been copyright stealing are very serious and can result in one of their home designs or if they protection in place to safeguard the in substantial financial penalties. Recentcould design something similar. The original works of authors of literary, parties convicted of architectural key to avoiding copyright infringement dramatic, musical and artistic works, copyright infringement have been is to understand that copying any part in 1990, copyright protection was required to pay anywhere from $15,000of another builders plan is against the extended to include architectural works.to $125,000. In future cases, penaltieslaw. If you ask your builder to construct With respect to new home construction,may be higher or lower depending on the same exact feature found in another the federal copyright laws protect thethe extent of copyright infringement. builders home, it is a violation. Keep in copying of all or a portion of a home mind that individual standard features design. Protection is found in two Consumers who are interested in or design elements that are functionally different areas: building new homes should considerrequired may not be copyrighted (suchthe following advice to avoid copyrightas doors, windows and stairs).The protection of the design plans infringement claims:(including blueprints and floor plan One question frequently encountered layouts). 1)Never ask one builder to copy all by area attorneys is how handwritten or part of the design or finished sketches are viewed with regard to the The protection of the completed appearance of another builder. copyright law. Many homeowners believe structure. This extends to its overall 2)When interviewing builders andthat when they contribute their own interior and exterior appearance.shopping for different home designs, sketch to a builder, detailing ideas for a This means that while you are welcomeask each builder you interviewfloor plan or a specific design idea, that to tour the Parade homes, you need towhether he or she has a home designthey have rights to the final design of the remember that the plans builders havethat incorporates the style or featureshome. In reality, the copyright is owned available for you, detailing the layout you are looking for. Explain the style by the person who puts the ideas into and the exterior of the home, are for or features by giving examples; but final form. When an owners sketch iseducational purposes only. You may keep in mind that copying is prohibited. incorporated into an architectural design not copy those plans. If you bring plans it becomes part of the architectural gathered at the Parade of Homes to3)Make sure that you are purchasing design and becomes the property ofanother builder and ask him or her tothe rights to a legitimate plan bythe person who drew the plan. While the duplicate the same home for you, youasking the builder to confirm thathomeowner still has rights to his or her would be in direct violation of the 1990he or she has the right to build thesketch, that is the only part of the plan Copyright law.plan or design that you have selected.he or she may take to another builder without having to worry about infringing on the copyright owned by another party.20Official MBA Parade of Homes Plan Book'