b'Janssen Bruckner, LLCAUTUMN TRACEFounded on a passion for transforming landscapes intometiculous planning and thoughtful design, ensuring thriving communities, Janssen Bruckner LLC has swiftlyeach subdivision harmonizes seamlessly withemerged as a dynamic force in the land development its surroundings.industry. With a commitment to innovation andexcellence, Janssen Bruckner has achieved remarkableAs Janssen Bruckner LLC looks towards the future,success in a relatively short period, establishing a they plan to expand their portfolio significantly, with reputation for delivering exceptional homesites thatambitious plans to develop numerous subdivisions and blend modern living with natural beauty. Having condo developments across southeastern Wisconsin. completed several other subdivisions throughoutCommitted to fostering long-term partnerships andWaukesha County they are excited to showcase theirexceeding expectations, they continue to set new most recent development as they host the Metropolitanbenchmarks in the industry, driven by a passion of Builders Associations Parade of Homes for the firstexcellence and deep-rooted dedication to community time. Driven by a vision to create sustainable and vibrantdevelopment. Janssen Bruckner LLC is shaping the neighborhoods, Janssen Bruckner LLC focuses on landscape of tomorrow, one subdivision at a time.262-844-8605JanssenBruckner.com To learn more aboutFOLLOWthe MBAs Partners In For lot information, contact: Nicolenicole@janssenbruckner.com US ON Excellence Program,2023Partners INsee pages 48-49.ExcellenceAWARD WINNER54Official MBA Parade of Homes Plan Book'