b'What is an Ideal Communityfor Home Buyers?By Metropolitan Builders Association of Greater MilwaukeeFor many buyers, a new home may be located in anew community. The area you live in can make a bigdifference in your quality of life. Finding a communitythat fits your familys lifestyle and needs is just asimportant of a factor as the square footage andnumber of bedrooms. Do you wonder if otherhome buyers are looking for the same things ina new community? A recent survey from the National Association of Homeor live in a community with walking/jogging trails (66%). Builders (NAHB) reveals what home buyers are lookingSpending time outdoors, even something as simple as a for when house hunting. The survey asked both first-timewalk around the neighborhood, is a well-known past time. buyers and existing home owners about the features andAccording to the National Recreation and Parkamenities buyers want in their home and also about theAssociation, more than half of all adults (58%) spend type of community that they would like to reside in. more than 30 minutes outside a day. Spending time outside and exposure to green spaces has shown to A majority (70%) of buyers want to be close to retailimprove mental and physical health. space, like a grocery store or pharmacy. With busy lives, living near a store where you can easily pick up dinnerIn terms of the overall location where buyers wouldor necessities, is a valuable convenience. In addition toprefer to purchase a home, more than half (53%) wantsaving time, nearby retail can also save home ownersto buy in the suburbs. Only a quarter of buyers (25%) money. According to the most recent Consumer prefer to purchase a home in a rural area and fewer in Expenditure Survey from the U.S. Bureau of Laborthe central city. The study also asked buyers about the Statistics (BLS), spending on gas increased 45% yearfarthest distance they are willing to travel one-way from over year, a reflection of rising gas prices and Americanshome to work. For the typical buyer, the sweet spot is traveling more after the pandemic.11.3 mileswhich is not surprising given that mostbuyers reported a desire to live in the suburbs.Other important community amenities that buyers place a value on are related to spending time outdoors. To get started on finding a community that is the right fit Two-thirds of buyers (66%) want to live near a park areafor your family, visit MBAbuilds.org today. Visit MBABuilds.org262-436-11222023 MBA Parade of Homes71'